
Creative Work

Print work and other creative endeavors.

Print Work

Ball State University School of Art Visiting Artists, Designers, and Scholars Lecture Series poster design


Design a poster to position throughout campus showcasing 10 artistic disciplines, 13 speakers, bios, dates/times, and locations. It should be eye- catching but also informative. The copy cannot be reduced and all details must be well-represented.


Because there is so much information, a unique column-style calendar layout allows for visual chronology. By not using a classic grid, the reader has to take a slight moment to find where the chronology begins. This gives more exposure to the events as a whole while conveying a feeling of discovery and creative flow. The color event images contrast against the black and white color palette bringing them into greater focus. Lastly, the white-on-black main title with disjointed letters attracts attention despite the limited header space.


Augmented Reality Children’s Book

The Planets: An Interactive Journey

An educational picture book for readers K-6


Research, write, and design a graphical children's book focusing on the planets while integrating augmented reality technology. The goal was for the book to be printed and bound in-house and distributed for educational purposes royalty-free.


All photography used to design this book belongs to NASA or the Jet Propulsion Laboratory which falls under the United States Public Domain. Additionally, the AR video content was created by NASA and other non-profit organizations which do not require licensing for educational purposes. The AR support was offered by ZAPPAR who offered a 30-day free membership to create the book. The AR bonus content remains free for anyone to view through the ZAPPAR app with no expiration date.

Art Direction

DVD Box Set Packaging
Universal Studios Home Entertainment
Creative Services Art Direction Team

The Catalog Division of the DVD Creative Services department is the most fun to be a part of because titles span the entire studio history. Overseeing teams of designers, we were tasked to direct artful aesthetics and research facets of beloved shows and movies sourcing from original photography, production notes, and behind-the-scenes stories. The goal was to produce a beautiful physical collection that told a complete story.


Volunteer Work

Paperback Poetry Books Authored and Illustrated by 2nd Graders

I was fortunate to work with two second-grade classes at Burris Laboratory School to help them create actual paperback books. The students wrote poetry dedicated to a loved one with an accompanying illustration. Students learned about book production from concept to completion. Paperback printing was provided with the generous cooperation of the BSU School of Art.
