Academic research relating
to tech and beyond.
Seniors and Mindfulness-Based VR Experiences
Impacts on Quality of Life
Master's Thesis
Virtual reality technology has recently received much acclaim for therapeutic effects due to its highly immersive nature. One demographic that could potentially benefit most from VR is the rapidly growing population of senior citizens. As the potential of virtual reality continues to be uncovered, it is clear that both the ancient practice of mindfulness and the new technology of VR are significant tools to improve physical, mental, and social well-being.
How might these two powerful conditions benefit older adults residing in an assisted living facility? The results showed seniors participants experienced high levels of presence and enjoyment when using VR. Furthermore, seniors reported significant increases in categories of overall life satisfaction, health, social relationships, independence, and emotional well-being after only three-weeks of VR mediation sessions.
Did You Say Buttonless?
Exploring Alternative Modes of Sensory Engagement for Augmented Reality
Storytelling Experiences
Published and presented at HCII 2020
Augmented Reality designers and content creators continue to explore ways to engage audiences. However, studies have yet to focus on how different modes of interaction affect understanding and immersion in AR environments. To address this, a simulation and focus group was conducted to elicit feedback about five different modes of interaction: sound, touch, haptic feedback, presence, and gesture. Results identified four themes, with gesture interaction garnering more appeal and immersion than alternatives. Accessibility and self-consciousness in public settings were illuminated during the simulation, which highlighted barriers related to some modes of interaction.
App to Tabletop
A Physical Digital Game Hybrid
Poster - Presented at the Make, Play, Learn Conference 2020
To strengthen connections across
generations of Ball State University’s alumni and students, a team of graduate students in the Center for Emerging Media Design & Development (EMDD) designed a location-based mobile game. The game, titled That’s BS, encourages players to explore campus and unlock community-driven stories. The stories included are told in the wacky and fun style of alumni David Letterman’s humor with videos, audio files, animations, to engage and unite students, alumni, and community members. Player are
encouraged to walk around campus to unlock stories about campus life from different time periods. Players arrive at a hotspot location, and are invited to choose from a variety of experiences and test their knowledge at trivia. If answered correctly, a special object is awarded within the game opening up the second That’s BS component - a touch-screen tabletop experience. A key feature of the interactive tabletop is the bridge between a digital and physical experience.
Common Milkweed
An Alternative Cellulose Fiber Source for Making Paper with Strength and Moisture Resistance
Published and presented at TAGA 2019 and GCEA 2019
Sustainability in paper manufacturing is a timely topic of interest, and public support is clear. If we reduce the consumption of paper products, we will save more trees, and paper manufacturers are looking for fiber alternatives. A somewhat unrelated concern is the dramatic decrease in population of Monarch butterflies due to the decimation of common milkweed plants. In specific locations, populations of monarch butterflies have decreased over 80%. Could both problems be solved with the same solution? This study explores the use of common milkweed as a commercially viable plant material for the production of paper and packaging and provides evidence of its merits as an alternative to tree pulp.